Dogs Rule My Life

I spend most of my time with dogs and that makes me happy. I love dogs. I love training them, I love hanging out with them, I love throwing the ball all day long for them and I love it when their ears go back and their entire body wags when they are so happy to see that special someone.

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Location: Tacoma, WA, United States

Friday, April 03, 2009

Time Flies....

Update in a nutshell:
Life is good. I am happy and single, I'm getting a roommate tomorrow, Roxy and Nigel are awesome, I am working four jobs right now, I'm having a consultation for my much awaited half-sleeve tattoo next week, I'm getting back to my "roots" in my spiritual and hippie beliefs, and I adopted a third dog in January named Enzo who you can read a little about in a previous blog post

That just about covers it I think.