Dogs Rule My Life

I spend most of my time with dogs and that makes me happy. I love dogs. I love training them, I love hanging out with them, I love throwing the ball all day long for them and I love it when their ears go back and their entire body wags when they are so happy to see that special someone.

My Photo
Location: Tacoma, WA, United States

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Real Haircut...sort of

So Tuesday night I went over to my friend Shelley's house to help her with her Christmas tree. Angela, who is a hair stylist, also helped. I asked Angela for a quick trim in exchange for a shoulder rub. She's a sucker for massage and I hate spending money for a haircut since they have been practically free for almost six years (because I worked in a hair salon/spa and traded for haircuts). In Shelley's kitchen, Angela worked some magic. She cleaned up the mullet-about-to-form back of my hair and then made my bangs all cute. Since March I have only had one "real" haircut and that was five minutes and five bucks in the chair to clean up my neck-region. I shaved my head and that saved me a lot of money on haircuts but it was past time for me to get a real haircut (I had been trimming my own hair with paper-cutting scissors which infuriates Angela when I tell her).
I have made the decision to not color my hair (because I can't afford it), grow it out a little and pay Angela for "real" haircuts ($60) every 8 weeks or so. I love my hair short but I need the damaging effects of hair color to help with styling my short hair so since I can't afford color, I can't afford short hair.
Maybe one day I will go bald was the epitome of low maintenance.

above photo March 8th, 2006

I was trying to get a new picture of my hair and asked Devon to help and this is what I got:

You can still get a little glimpse of my new cute cut. Devon is currently heckling me about my blog about my hair...boys just don't understand so I put silly pictures up of him to get even :)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Other Blog

Please look over my other blog. I do my best to help dogs in every way I can and there are a lot of adoptable dogs and dogs that need foster homes listed. Please pass along any information that you can.

Thank you!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowy Night

This is the view from our front porch at 5:40pm tonight. If you look closely, you can see the I-90 is covered with snow too.
I was suppossed to teach Intermediate Obedience tonight, but that got cancelled. I have been in the house all day and by the looks of it, won't be working tomorrow either. I sure hope I get paid for snow days...

Devon hates me because no matter how bad the weather gets he still has to work. His commute involves rolling out of bed, going to the bathroom and then settling in at his desk in the "office" which is also our spare room (where he is currently slumbering with the dogs).

Time for pajamas, hot cider and a good movie since I've already lost Devon for the night.


Every morning I call in to work to find out if my route/dog list has changed for the day before I set out to pick up all the doggies. This morning I called and got no answer so I headed toward my first dog's house. Just before my left turn onto 23rd from Yesler, the ranch called.
"Hey. How's it going?" says Gordon
"Pretty good" says me.
"Hey we cancelled daycare for the day. We don't want anyone getting in an accident and there is seven inches of snow up here" Gordon replies.
"OK. I'll turn around and go home then" I say and then smile big and do the happy dance on the inside. YAY!! I get to go home and go back to bed!!!
I thought snow days ended when I got out of school. I felt like a little girl when my mom would come in and tell me to go back to sleep, it's a snow day.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Post Thanksgiving Bloat

It's over....thank goodness. I have consumed so much food over the last few days. I cooked my first turkey and we had some friends over and it was very nice. Last night my brother and sister-in-law came over to help finish off the left overs. There is still some cleaning to do but not much food left. Phee-you. Time to relax for a couple weeks (days?) and then Christmas Craziness will officially start. At least we have a mini vacation planned in two weeks to break up the holiday season.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Love My Job

The best job I have ever had!
My friend Laura has given her notice to Roscoe's Ranch to come to work with me! Laura was my manager at Roscoe's when I worked there last winter and the owner is a dick and she deserves better. My boss Gordon wanted to hire another daycare driver and told Laura about it and the rest is history! YAY!!